Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Novel.

The story is there;
for 20 years of instances is a lot;
some imagination to bring the flow;
and add fiction for story to grow

The travels and travails;
people and spiritual highs;
the wanderlust;
in the mountains, sea and dust

Still nothing on paper, ink untouched;
'why to write' ruling the mind;
when you'll get your answer;
pick up that pen and will be born;
the greatest story of its kind;

Friday, December 27, 2013

Be Happy.

You meet and you try to impress;

fancy dinner or classy dress;

go too far, and it cuts the fun in half;

dont try too hard to make the other laugh;


The Wait.

With little less than pain but more than just frustration;

The feel has no word, or it would be famous;

Its endless, makes the clock ticks slow;

Its sadist, revels in taking away the happiness;

Some souls are patient, but most curse their fate;


Monday, December 16, 2013

The Calm.

The mind rumbles, but just enough;

to think what it wants;

the calm before the storm or the silence thereafter;

calm deceives, the silence brings relief;

waiting patiently for it to get over;

or waiting to start from the cover;


Monday, December 2, 2013

Drunken Poet.

When things settle, the mind unsettles;

The waves drop, the silence hits;

The tide is lost, the sail ends;

The ripples grow, the weed bends;

To you its just the same;

But its balance destroyed;

For a drunken poet.